Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sniffing Adventure

I got some homework where I had to choose 3 manly scents that I enjoyed out of a whole list of them.

Got my list got my list: (learned about more enjoyable smells)

1. Chanel: Platinum Egoist
2. Chevignon: Che
3. Yves Saint Laurent: L'Homme
4. Chanel: Bleu
5. Armani Code

What are some scents you can't get out of your head? What about female scents?

I got to watch an awesome indie movie that changed my life:
It was about this girl who has a superpower, and ended up in a love triangle between her arch nemisis and boyfriend, but they were brothers or something...what happens? who does she end up with? Oh I cannot sayyy...all I can say is that I wish I was medium cute like the Dakota Skye.

Got My List by melmusica

2 Blahs:

Kelly said...

On the choir trip last year, the band director who joined our group, bought some cologne that I thought smelled soooo good, that I bought some for my husband. It's Abercrombie's Fierce. Love it!

I can't wait for you and your mom to meet my new little girl! We'll be home in six weeks.

ka48309 said...

I like Jake.