Thursday, November 5, 2009

Please Recycle,

As I am sitting down to my curve packet, getting prepared for a major history exam tomorrow...I am listening to my all-time faves and it feels like home. I have a playlist of all my fave songs, and since I thought I had lost all my music I was not able to listen to them, but it is all fixed and life is GREAT! My day has been made complete because I am listening to familiar songs that just put me in a jovial mood.

Speaking of Recycling...
Norwegian Recycling

Was introduced to me by my friend in Michigan and he sent me this song which I found was very very much interestin..and well pieced. His name is Peter Bull, if you just will understand what style of music he makes. (after the jump...just wanted to try it )

Anyways, he makes mash ups... remixes... multiple songs pieced together... really sweet

0 Blahs: