Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I'm not sure how this blogging will work out for me, but I've fallen into following the advice of a fellow blogger buddy. She told me that since I loved music and was always finding new bands and artists, that I should just blog about them, and post clips and photos...


I hope this doesn't turn into just another one of those music blogs.. but I finally decided on starting this because I wanted to keep track of all my newest findings, lately I just can't keep track of artists I've already found and just forget about them completely!!! what a trageedyyyyy!

Now a little bit about my music tastes...I love alternative, indie, vocal, instrumental, chinese, korean, japanese, latino, russian....but the artists I always fall back on are the ones who just make me feel GREAT! Ah..

1 Blahs:

Unknown said...

:D heyy nice blog! hopefully this second post goes through.. mmm yeah david choi's pretty sweet! Good luck with this stuff, i'll be sure to check in every once in a while :P