Right here Right here! This band is kinda typical in style, alternative rock, Christian rock style, but just something about this trio caught my eyes, ears.. you know what I mean.. on there youtube channel they have many many many covers that are alll veryy legit.
Boyce Avenue consists of 3 brothers :D ( reminded me of the Hansons, Jonas..) BUT IT'S NOT POP, which is a plus. To be honest, the Manzano brothers are really good looking with there smiles and puppy eyes, I hope they come back to TX and have a concert here, maybe I could meet them??!?! They look like really down to earth and chill people, you can kinda hear it in there music! The band that this band sounds like is kinda like The Calling...nice vocals, melody, rock instrumentation, heartfelt lyrics... the best word to describe this style is Melodic rock i guess.
I would like to give them hugs, they look so huggable!! teehee..cute
Download Change Your Mind - Boyce Avenue
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