Saturday, October 31, 2009

Now I Know

So tonight, instead of doing my college applications because it matters, I decided to browse other music blogs and see what I could find. I FOUND SOMETHING incredible, I've always been a fan of people who could use those loop machine's, but this chica Theresa Andersson made it so smooth and dance like!! :P

Isn't she cute? She is from Sweden. IN HER ALBUM SHE SINGS IN SWEDISH!!!
The blogger from whom I found this from said that he was gonna marry her :D silly. This song is completely a one girl band! I first saw something like this when I saw Imogen Heap in concert, and that was also amazing! I wonder how many instruments they know how to play.
"Would you come away with me? Cause you go to my head. I'm just trying to feed my empty heart."

0 Blahs: